Just open the Microsoft Edge and Type the Web Address web.whatsapp.com and Press Enter.
Next the Page Open and Say that "We recommend using Whatsapp Web with one of the Following Browsers ". this is because the WhatsApp Web Version Currently supports only the Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Also the Safari(MacOS 10.8+only).
Next we need to Change the Few Settings on the Page. Just Open the Developer Tools option on the Edge browser by Pressing the F12 key on Keyboard or Just Right Click on the Page and Select Inspect Element.
Or Click on More Action in the Edge Browser and Choose Developer Tools.
Next a Popup Windows Appears - Developer Tools-Microsoft Edge. Click on the Emulation in the windows and choose User Agent String- Select Google Chrome
Next the Page Automatically Refresh.
Login to the Whatsapp Using Scan Code On your Phone.
Next Your Whats App Chat Window Appears..