When working on the Windows 10 is pretty easier but more confusing while opening Start menu. it’s too much confusing filled with lots of tiles. Sometimes will make even more complicated when looking for specific program icon that is not on your desktop, there is an old-school start menu to solve this,
Hidden Start Menu
Instead of click on the Start menu button simply right click on it, you will get a hidden Start menu there is a bunch of tools you can get from the hidden Menu like Device Manager, Task Manager, File Explorer, your Control Panel .etcyouare using Windows 10 tablet or touch screen Laptop you can access this hidden menu by tapping and holding the Start button for a second or by using Win + X key on your Keyboard.
Hidden Show Desktop Button
if you move your mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner there is a thin white line your desktop when you press on the line you can view your desktop if you click again without moving your mouse pointer your windows return. you can enable the Peek at Desktop by simply right click on the line and select Peek at desktop
you can enable Peek at desktop by going Settings > Personalization > Taskbar and toggling on it.
Hidden Start Menu
Instead of click on the Start menu button simply right click on it, you will get a hidden Start menu there is a bunch of tools you can get from the hidden Menu like Device Manager, Task Manager, File Explorer, your Control Panel .etcyouare using Windows 10 tablet or touch screen Laptop you can access this hidden menu by tapping and holding the Start button for a second or by using Win + X key on your Keyboard.
Hidden Show Desktop Button
if you move your mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner there is a thin white line your desktop when you press on the line you can view your desktop if you click again without moving your mouse pointer your windows return. you can enable the Peek at Desktop by simply right click on the line and select Peek at desktop
you can enable Peek at desktop by going Settings > Personalization > Taskbar and toggling on it.